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Abstract #3500

Development of Dual-Tuned Knee Coil at 7T: A Feasibility Study of High-Resolution Sodium MR Imaging & T2 Mapping in Knee Cartilage In Vivo

Junghwan Kim1, Bumwoo Park1, Alessandro Furlan1, Chanhong Moon1, Sung-Hong Park1, Tiejun Zhao2, Kyongtae Ty Bae1

1Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States; 2MR Research Support, Siemens Healthcare, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

We have developed a dual-tuned proton/sodium knee RF coil at 7T and obtained high-resolution sodium MR imaging and T2 mapping of human knee cartilages within clinically acceptable time. Further studies on coil optimization and reproducibility of sodium concentration measurement should be followed for the clinic application.


sodiumkneecoilprotonresolutiondualcartilagehumanin vivointramappingmeasuredtuned