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Abstract #3800

Simultaneous PET/MRI: Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interactions & In Vivo Imaging in 9.4 T MRI

Sri-Harsha Maramraju1,2, S.-David Smith2, Sean Stoll2, Daniela Schulz2, Sergio Rescia2, Sachin Junnarkar2, Martin Purschke2, Bosky Ravindranath1,2, Paul Vaska1,2, Craig Woody2, David Schlyer1,2

1SUNY Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States; 2Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United States

The electromagnetic interactions between the PET and MRI systems were evaluated by assessing the MR image quality and evaluating the PET performance. Results from the MRS and EPI data show no signs of interference on the MR images during PET acquisition and the PET data were quantitative. Studies were carried out using radiolabeled iron oxide nanoparticles in mice to study the dynamics and biodistribution of nanoparticles in vivo. These studies help to understand the toxicological effects and biological fate of these nanoparticles in vivo.

