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Abstract #3843

A Robust Concept for Real-Time SAR Calculation in Parallel Transmission

Hanno Homann1, Peter Brnert2, Olaf Dssel1, Ingmar Graesslin2

1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany

The specific absorption rate (SAR) depends on the individual patient anatomy. Hence, it is required to calculate the SAR for different body models to obtain a robust estimation of the worst-case SAR. In parallel transmit MRI, the SAR also depends on the multi-channel RF waveform such that real-time calculations of the SAR are required. In this study, a fast method for local SAR estimation in multiple body models is proposed. In this approach, the calculation time is almost independent of the number of models used. This allows using a high number of different models for robust SAR estimation.

