Zhangwei Wang1, Owen Arthurs2,
Desmond T. B. Yeo3, Fraser Robb1
1GE Healthcare Coils,
Aurora, OH, United States; 22University of Cambridge,
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom; 3GE Global Research, Niskayuna,
NY, United States
Pediatric body MR imaging is limited by the lack of dedicated coils. Many infants are typically imaged using adult head or knee coils, but the SAR consequences are unknown. Compared to adults, infants have several unique physiological and physical characteristics that may influence the thermal risk during RF exposure. In this work, we use EM numerical modeling to evaluate the local SAR deposition in an infant body model irradiated imaged by an adult head coil. SAR comparisons are performed for the infant model with infant-specific versus adult-specific electrical properties, and placed at different landmark positions.