Marc Labrousse1,2, Guillaume Calmon1,
Gabriela Hossu1,3, Andr Chays2, Jacques Felblinger1,
Marc Braun1,4
France; 2Faculty of Medecine & University Hospital, REIMS, France;
3CIC-IT NANCY (INSERM CIT801), NANCY, France; 4Faculty
of Medecine & University Hospital, NANCY, France
Phase-contrast MRI was used at the level of the cerebello-pontine angle in 28 volunteers to measure the cranio-caudal and antero-posterior motion of the cisternal, meatic part of the vestibulo-cochlear nerve (VCN), and the pons. ROIs were manually drawn on T2 sequences. VCN motion is a cardiac-cycle-dependent movement like brain motion. We made a string oscillated model of the VCN explaining the differences between the amplitudes of the cisternal and meatic parts. Phase contrast MRI can be used to assess the VCN motion at the level of the cerebello-pontine angle.