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Abstract #4578

Dynamic Fieldmap Estimation for Respiration Correction Based on Single Shot 3D Images

Benjamin Zahneisen1, Thimo Grotz1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Juergen Hennig1

1University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

The aim of this work is to estimate dynamic changes of precession frequencies (off-resonance map) from dynamic changes of the image phase of a reconstructed time series. The dynamic changes are measured relative to a reference time point. Feeding back the dynamic off-resonance map to the reconstruction results in a ~64% reduction of respiration fluctuations in the signal time series compared to ~40% for the DORK-method. The approach provides a spatial map of the off-resonances and therefore allows one to restrict the calculation of the field map to a ROI and exclude unwanted regions that also influence the objects phase.