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Abstract #0040

Characterisation of a Novel Orthotopic Mouse Model of Multiple Myeloma & Therapeutic Response by Quantitative MRI

MAGNA25Timothy J. Graham1, Rosemary A. Fryer2, Yann Jamin1, Emma M. Smith2, Simon Walker-Samuel3, Faith E. Davies2, Simon P. Robinson1

1Cancer Research UK & EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, Surrey, United Kingdom; 2Haemato-Oncology Research Unit, Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, Surrey, United Kingdom; 3Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom

With the development of more targeted therapeutics to treat malignant bone disease has come the associated challenge of developing more clinically relevant pre-clinical models, and identifying new non-invasive techniques capable of assessing the tumour phenotype and treatment response. To this end, a novel mouse model of multiple myeloma, propagated by direct intraosseous injection of cells, has been investigated by quantitative MRI. Tumour growth was localised to the skeleton, and assessed using high-resolution T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging. Response to Bortezomib and Tosedostat was also assessed. Bioluminescence imaging , weekly Igλ serum levels, histology and flow cytometry provided qualification of the MRI data.
