Kwee1, Malou Vermoolen1, Erik Akkerman2,
Marie Jos Kersten3, Rob Fijnheer4, Inge Ludwig5,
Frederik Beek1, Maarten van Leeuwen1, Marc Bierings6,
Joseph Zsiros7, Henritte Quarles van Ufford1, Jaap
Stoker2, Willem Mali1, Rutger-Jan Nievelstein1
1Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Radiology, AMC Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 3Hematology, AMC Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4Hematology, Meander MC, Amersfoort, Netherlands; 5Hematology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 6Pediatric Hematology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 7Pediatric Hematology, AMC Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Whole-body MRI may be an alternative to CT for staging lymphoma. Furthermore, the use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) may facilitate staging because of its high lesion-to-background contrast. In this prospective multicenter study including 101 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma, staging of newly diagnosed lymphoma using whole-body MRI (without and with DWI) equalled staging using CT in the majority of patients. Disagreements between whole-body MRI and CT were mostly caused by overstaging of the former relative to the latter, with the number of correctly and incorrectly overstaged cases being approximately equal. The potential advantage of DWI is still unproven.