Soleimanifard1, Michael Schr1, 2, Allison
G. Hays1, Jerry L. Prince1, Robert G. Weiss1,
Matthias Stuber1, 3
1Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States; 2Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States; 3University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
In non-contrast coronary MRA, the T2Prep sequence has been widely used for contrast enhancement between the coronary blood-pool and the myocardium. This non-selective sequence, however, results in a reduced steady-state magnetization of the inflowing blood, and consequently a penalty in SNR. We hypothesize that a slice-selective variant of this pre-pulse would leave the magnetization of blood outside the imaged volume unaffected, and thereby minimize SNR penalty for inflowing blood. In this work, we implemented a slice-selective T2Prep and assessed the SNR gain and vessel conspicuity quantitatively using an automatic framework for vessel centerline tracking and boundary segmentation.