H. Ong1, Yusuf Bhagat1, Jeremy Magland1,
Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging, Departement of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States
A major limitation of q-space imaging is the need for strong gradient amplitudes for sufficient displacement resolution to accurately assess axonal architecture in white matter. Low q-value diffusion MRI extracts architectural information by fitting the q-space echo decay at low q-values (q-1 >> mean axon diameter) thus obviating the need for strong gradient amplitudes, which greatly facilitates clinical implementation. Here, we investigate the feasibility of this method to assess axon architecture in excised fixed porcine spinal cords at 1.5T. The results demonstrate the potential of low q-value diffusion MRI to estimate regional mean axon diameter and intracellular volume fraction.