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Abstract #1247

AIF Correction for Non-Uniform K-Space Data Weighting Effects in First-Pass Cardiac Perfusion MRI

Sohae Chung1, Leon Axel1

1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Radiology Department, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States

To obtain first-pass cardiac perfusion images, a saturation-recovery preparation with TurboFLASH readout can be used to capture the contrast enhancement dynamics. However, when using a SR preparation, non-uniform k-space data weighting in the phase-encoding direction, due to data acquisition during the transition toward the steady state, can lead to a filtering effect. This may lead to systematic overestimation of the image-derived arterial input function (AIF), with a resulting bias in the perfusion calculations. In this work, numerical simulations were used to correct for non-uniform k-space data weighting effects on the AIF.

