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Abstract #1255

Excess High Noise in Exercise Stress Real-Time Cardiac Cine Images

Yu Ding1, Hui Xue2, Ti-chiun Chang3, Christoph Guetter2, Orlando Simonetti1, 4

1Dorothy M. Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States; 2Siemens Corporate Research; 3Siemens Corporate Research,; 4Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University

Compared to real-time cardiac cine images at rest, the exercise stress real-time cine images show significantly lower SNR. In this abstract, we will demonstrate that the excess high noise level is a motion induced noise. When the motion is severe, every temporal frame cannot be approximated as an instantaneous snap-shot. The motion may induce a signal variation which behaves statistically like spatial noise. Using in vivo volunteer study, we found that the apparent noise level in stress MRI raw data with rapid heart rate and breathing is higher than that of the resting real-time cine raw data.
