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Abstract #1384

Quantitative Assessment of Cartilage Using CubeQuant

Mai L.H. Nguyen1, Weitian Chen2, Garry E. Gold3

1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2Global MR Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States; 3Radiology, Bioengineering, and Orthopedics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

This work assesses the ability of CubeQuant, a new MR method based on 3D FSE, for 3D T1rho and T2 quantification of articular cartilage. A total of 9 patients were imaged with CubeQuant and a comparison of CubeQuant with MAPSS was performed on phantoms. There was good agreement between T2 relaxation time measurements with CubeQuant and MAPSS. In addition, correlation was seen between T1rho and T2 measurements in most regions of the cartilage. T1rho relaxation times were longer than T2 in all cartilage regions. CubeQuant can potentially provide traditional anatomic information in addition to biochemical data regarding cartilage.
