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Abstract #1594

Compressed Sensing-Accelerated Spectroscopic Imaging to Obtain Geometrically Accurate Water & Fat Images and Field Maps for Use in MR-Guided Interventions

J.S. van Gorp1, S.P.M. Crijns2, J.G. Bouwman1, B.W. Raaymakers2, C.J.G. Bakker1, P.R. Seevinck1

1Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

In this work, a 2D-phase encoded spectroscopic imaging sequence is exploited for its geometric fidelity, its insensitivity for signal dephasing due to local susceptibility differences and its ability to provide spectroscopic information to be used for water-fat decomposition and field map generation.
