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Abstract #1912

Incorporating Directional Information in Diffusion Tractography Derived Maps: Angular Track Imaging (ATI)

Kerstin Pannek1, David Raffelt2, Olivier Salvado3, Stephen Rose1

1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 2Brain Research Institute, Australia; 3The Australian E-Health Research Centre, Australia

A number of diffusion tractography derived scalar maps have been introduced, including track density imaging and average pathlength maps. We extend this technique by incorporating the directional information contained within the streamlines to build an angular track image (ATI). The ATI reveals information about angular streamline distribution. Information other than streamline number, such as streamline length, FA within streamlines, etc can also be incorporated in the calculation of the ATI to generate quantitative maps that can easily be compared across participants. ATIs provide more detailed information than scalar tractography maps by incorporating a directional component.