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Abstract #2058

Blipped yz-Shimming to Correct for Geometric Distortions in Echo-Planar Imaging of the Human Spinal Cord

Jrgen Finsterbusch1, 2

1Department of Systems Neuroscience, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Neuroimage Nord, University Medical Centers Hamburg-Kiel-Lbeck, Hamburg-Kiel-Lbeck, Germany

Magnetic field inhomogeneities and susceptibility differences cause geometric distortions in echo-planar imaging that are related to the phase modulation induced during the echo train. Here, an approach involving additional blip gradient pulses in the phase and readout direction (yz-shimming) is presented that aims to compensate these unwanted phase modulations and, thus, corrects for the geometric distortions. Its feasibility is demonstrated in a phantom and the human spinal cord in vivo.
