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Abstract #2448

PROPELLER with Echo Stabilization

ZHIQIANG LI1, Dawei Gui1, Ajeet Gaddipati1, Xiaoli Zhao1

1MR Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

PROPELLER has been widely used in the clinic, but also experiences the violation of the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill condition as in FSE, which degrades the signal. FSE employs phase correction to measure the phase error and adjust the data acquisition accordingly. However, its direct application in PROPELLER is not feasible since measurement at all blade angles leads to unacceptable increase in scan time. In this work, a model based on physical gradient is proposed so that the phase error can be predicted from measurement at a few blade angles. This reduces scan time, helps the application of PROPELLER in body/MSK imaging.
