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Abstract #2498

Simultaneously FAT and WATER Suppression by Interleaved VAPOR, SPAIR and OVS for 1H Spectroscopy at 7T

Baolian Yang1

1BU MR, Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States

Water and/or fat suppression is an essential part of pulse sequence in order to get high quality 1H spectroscopy of brain. But it is very difficult to get high water and fat suppression factors in the same time for 1H spectroscopy using the tradition techniques such as dual-band or sequential suppression due to non-uniform B1 field, especially at ultra-high field (>=7T). In this work, an interleaved VAPOR and SPAIR sequence is developed to accomplish simultaneously water and fat suppression with improved suppression factors. OVS pulses can also be added into the sequence to further improve water or fat suppression. The sequence is insensitive to B1 distribution and applicable to both short echo and long echo spectroscopy sequences.
