Marcos Alonso Lopez Terrones1, Jos Miguel Algarn Guisado1, Manuel Jose Freire Rosales1, Felix A. Breuer2, Ricardo Marqus1
1Electronics and Electromagnetism, University of Seville, Seville, Spain; 2Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Wrzburg, Germany
The magneto-inductive lens consists of a pair of parallel 2D-arrays of resonators which are inductively coupled between them. This structure has the ability to transfer the magnetic RF field coming from a source (MRI coil) to an imaging plane on the other side of the device. In the present work two receive-only arrays have been built. One array has been combined with the MI-lenses, so that only the main lobe is transferred by the lens but not the side lobes. The MI-lenses improve the SNR in an array without loss of parallel imaging performance compared to a conventional array setup.