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Abstract #2796

B1+ and B1- Field Pattern Dependence on the Electrical Properties of the Sample and the Static Magnetic Field Strength

Manushka V. Vaidya1, 2, Daniel K. Sodickson1, 2, Ryan Brown1, Graham C. Wiggins1, Riccardo Lattanzi1, 2

1The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States; 2The Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States

Unanticipated B1 field patterns may be encountered during simulation and experiments, particularly at high operating frequencies. While a distinctive curling of the B1 field is observed at high field strengths, elaborate checkerboard-like patterns may be obtained for certain dielectric samples. In this work, we use full-wave electrodynamic simulations based on dyadic Greens functions to study the effect of the electrical properties of the sample and main magnetic field strength on the B1 field pattern inside a uniform cylindrical object. We show examples of the curling of the field and interference patterns near resonance, providing a conceptual explanation for each case.


fieldsamplepatternsinterferencecoilcurlingoscillationspatternconductivityelectricalconductivedielectricphantompolarizationpropertiesstrengthcircularfieldsfrequencyspatialstrengthsasymmetrydampeddegreedistributionenergyfluxoppositesimulationstandinguponwavewavelengthallowsasymmetriesbiomedicalcylinderdependsexamplesexplainedfunctionin vivoinsidelargerlosslossesmagnitudemodifiednearobjectpolarizedpositionproducedreducesrespectresponsiblesimulations