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Abstract #3162

Effects of Gender and Music on Global Functional Connectivity Density at 4T MRI

Ruiliang Wang1, Gene-Jack Wang1, Rita Goldstein1, Elisabeth Caparelli1, Frank Telang1, Nora D. Volkow2, 3, Dardo Tomasi3

1Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, United States; 2National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Health; 3National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute on Health

Using voxelwise resting-state functional connectivity density mapping here we demonstrate that music can increase the global functional connectivity density of the brain. EPI datasets from 113 healthy subjects were collected in resting conditions in a 4Tesla MRI scanner. Parallel computing techniques were used to speed up the computation of the gFCD (degree centrality) at 3 mm isotropic resolution. Standard parametric mapping techniques demonstrated a music-related enhancement of the gFCD in the motor cortex that was strongly correlated with music-liking scores and prominent gender effects affecting the short-range hubs in the default mode network and long-range hubs in the visual cortex.
