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Abstract #3529

Quantitative Analysis of DCE-MRI Kinetic Parameter Deviation Induced by Dual-Flip-Angle T1 Mapping in Head and Neck

Jing Yuan1, Steven Kwok Keung Chow1, David Ka Kwai Yeung1, Anil T. Ahuja1, Ann D. King1

1Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong

This study is to quantitatively evaluate the kinetic parameter estimation deviation with dual-flip-angle (DFA) T1 mapping in head and neck (HN). 23 patients with HN tumors received DCE-MRI. T1 maps were generated based on multiple-flip-angle (MFA) method and DFA combinations. kep, Ktrans and vp maps based on MFA and DFAs were calculated and compared in primary tumor, salivary gland and muscle. The results showed that DFA-induced T1 deviations could result in significant errors in kinetic parameter estimation, particularly Ktrans and vp, even with the optimized DFAs. MFA is suggested for accurate pharmacokinetic analysis in HN if scan time permitted.
