Yumei Yan1,
Frank Tong2, Chunxia Li1, Stuart Zola1,
Leonard Howell1, Xiaodong Zhang1
National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United
States; 2Department of Radiology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States
Stroke induced white matter injury was evaluated in a macaque model of ischemic stroke by using DTI. The fiber tracking and fiber tract-based ROI analysis demonstrated that the white matter tissues in or adjacent to the infarct regions were injured due to the MCA occlusion, as seen in FA and MD and the fiber changes in quantities and their average length. These changes showed similar pattern as that observed in the infarct region, but the scale of the changes was reduced which may be due to the hypoperfusion effect. The results indicate DTI is a robust tool to access the white matter injury in stroke.