Steffi Dreha-Kulaczewski1,
2, Robert Steinfeld3, Knut Brockmann1, Peter
Dechent2, Jutta Grtner1, Gunther Helms2
of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology, University Medical Center , Gttingen,
Germany; 2Department of Cognitive Neurology, MR-Research in
Neurology and Psychiatry, University Medical Center , Gttingen, Germany; 3Department
of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology, University Medical Center, Gttingen,
Myelin-sensitive quantitative (q) MRI techniques including MT (3D FLASH) and DTI (single-shot STEAM) are of growing importance to study white matter (WM) disorders in childhood. Cerebral folate transport deficiency is an inherited, treatable WM disorder with hypomyelination, developmental regression, movement disturbances, and epilepsy. One patient with this diagnosis and severe phenotype was treated with folinic acid. Concomitant serial qMRI study over 4.2 yrs indicated an advancement of myelination which was paralleled by clinical improvement. In contrast to structural MRI, MT saturation maps demonstrated striking contrast changes and detailed spatial resolution. It may provide a valuable parameter to monitor therapy effects.