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Abstract #1346

A Fast 3D Non-Iterative Approach to Pressure Calculation from PC-MRI: Phantom Experiments

M.J. Negahdar1, Mo Kadbi1, JungWon Cha1, Juan Cebral2, Amir A. Amini1

1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky, United States; 2School of Computational Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United States

In this paper we develop a novel non-iterative approach to determination of hemodynamic pressures from phase-contrast MRI. 3D gradients of pressure obtained from Navier-Stokes equation are expanded into a series of orthogonal basis functions, and are subsequently projected onto an integrable subspace. When using the FFT, the approach involves application of three 3D FFTs and one inverse FFT. The proposed method results in highly accurate relative pressures and significantly improves on CPU time when compared with the conventional iterative approach to pressure calculations.
