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Abstract #1615

3D CUBE Flex MRI Sequence Versus 2D MRI Sequences for the Imaging of the Cervical Spine

Theodore Jerdee1, Amelie M. Lutz1, Garry E. Gold1, 2

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2School of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

Replacing conventional 2D MRI sequences with 3D MRI sequences that allow for high resolution multi-planar reformations may improve work-flow by substantially shortening overall acquisition time. We compared image quality, visibility of clinically relevant anatomic structures, and diagnostic confidence on images obtained of the cervical spine with a 3D CUBE Flex and conventional 2D MRI sequences. Our study showed that image quality, visibility of anatomic structures, and diagnostic confidence using sagittal CUBE flex sequences of the cervical spine with multiplanar reformations was acceptable to excellent in all evaluated segments. Additional sagittal oblique reformats further increased reader confidence on CUBE flex images.

