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Abstract #2366

3D Adiabatic FSE with GRASE Acquisition at 4T

Naoharu Kobayashi1, Michael Garwood

1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States

We introduce a novel adiabatic 3D FSE sequence that overcomes the high SAR and long scan time in 3D adiabatic FSE by using the following 4 techniques: (1) Variable-rate selective excitation (VERSE), (2) gradient- and spin-echo (GRASE) acquisition, (3) k-space undersampling, and (4) image space phase correction. The image space phase correction played a critical role to reconstruct odd and even echo data as a single image. The proposed sequence allowed 3D in vivo human brain FSE imaging with acceptable SAR and scan time at 4T.
