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Abstract #2426

Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Upper Airways with Guided Pressure Waves

Pascal Hagot1, Emeline Lamain2, Tom Doel3, Xavier Matre1, Redouane Fodil4, Luc Darrasse1

1IR4M(UMR8081), Univ Paris-Sud, CNRS, Orsay, France; 2Service de Neuroradiologie, Univ Paris-Sud, Hpital Bictre, Le Kremlin-Bictre, France; 3Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Univ of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, United Kingdom; 4IRMB, Univ Paris XII, INSERM (U955), Creteil, France

Localisation of collapses in the upper airways of patients woth obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a critical issue to guide and individualize the potential surgical option and procedures. Acoustic measurements may provide valuable information on the upper airway conformation and allow discrimination of healthy and pathological region. Mean amplitudes per slice ranged between 13 and 42 μm along the anterior-posterior direction, 11 and 43 μm along the feet-head direction, 11 and 47 μm along the right-left direction. The generated pressure wave is efficiently guided through the upper airways from the mouth down to the end of the trachea.

