Xue Yu1, Elaine
Yuen Phin Lee1, Queenie Chan2, Mina Kim1
Radiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; 2Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, China
Neoadjuvant treatment for peritoneal metastasis has emerged. Therefore evaluation of peritoneal metastasis is crucial for diagnosis and treatment planning. As APT MRI can provide complementary information to current MR sequences in clinical use, the purpose of this study is to assess APT MRI in peritoneal metastasis imaging. This pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of APT MRI in differentiating peritoneal metastasis from muscle and fat, which is clinically relevant as peritoneal metastases can be deposited in the area with abundant fat or adherent to soft tissue. The separation of these tissues will aid detection and assessment of peritoneal metastasis.