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Abstract #2642

Improved Balance of Artifact/noise Level and Fine Structure Preservation in Highly Accelerated PPI

Dengrong Jiang1, Kui Ying1, Feng Huang2

1Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 2Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China

Partially Parallel Imaging (PPI) has been widely used in clinical practice to accelerate acquisition, but at the cost of reduced Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Often, regularization schemes are used to preserve SNR. However, existing regularization schemes have the difficulty to balance SNR and the preservation of boundaries and fine structures, especially when the acceleration factor is high. In this work, we adopted non-local sparse as the regularization term for PPI and achieved better balance of SNR and fine structure preservation compared with CS-SENSE. Low errors image was reconstructed at acceleration factor as high as 8 with an 8-channel head coil.
