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Abstract #3041

Selective ASL with 2D RF Pulses

Britta Lehmann1, Dieter Ritter1, Josef Pfeuffer1

1Siemens Healthcare, MR Application Development, Erlangen, BY, Germany

Different methods for selective labeling of single arteries have been developed for selective Arterial Spin Labeling. In this study, a spatially selective 2D-RF pulse was designed for a 2-channel pTX system and evaluated in human subjects. The pulse design used a variable-density TX trajectory, taking into account subject-specific B1 maps and hardware and SAR constraints. It was shown that these 2D-RF pulses can provide comparable results to the standard FOCI-PICORE method. The perfusion territories of the left internal carotid artery (ICA), right ICA and basilar artery were determined with a reasonable SNR even at small target sizes.
