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Abstract #3514

Analysis of the Stiffness Anisotropy Structure Using MR Elastography in the Skeletal Muscle

Hata Junichi1, Numano Tomokazu2, Mizuhara Kazuyuki3, Washio Toshikatsu4, Takamoto Kohichi5, Homma Kazuhiro4, Yagi Kazuo2, Yano Keichi1, Ohtomo Kuni1

1The University of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyou, Tokyo, Japan; 2Tokyo Metropolitan University, Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan; 3University of Tokyo Denki, Adachi, Tokyo, Japan; 4National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Jamaica; 5University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan

When the stiffness of the skeletal muscle is evaluated, the cell structure anisotropy becomes a problem. Then, this research aimed at the analysis and the evaluation of the organization anisotropy by MRE. We had examined two mainly. At first, the change in the frequency of the wave was analyzed by an isotropic structure as an anisotropic structure. Stiffness was similarly analyzed. It ..scorching.. was suggested it was necessary to consider anisotropy when MRE was analyzed enough.
