Norbert Campeau1,
Alice Patton1
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
3D Phase contrast angiographic imaging of the brain and neck: Initial clinical experience in 100 patients. Specific protocols for performing 3D-Phase contrast MRA and MRV of the brain, and MRA of the neck are presented, including optimal choice of VENC, acquisition volume orientation, matrix size, and use of SAT bands. Comparison with available 3D-TOF brain MRA, 2D-TOF and bolus gadolinium brain MRV, 2D-TOF neck MRA, and bolus gadolinium neck MRA is provided. 3D Phase contrast MRA/MRV does not require IV gadolinium, and is excellent choice for imaging in patients with gadolinium allergy or renal insufficiency. Bolus gadolinium MRA remains the "gold standard", however 3D phase contrast techniques can provide comparable and occasional superior results.