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Abstract #3824

Self-Calibrating Stack-Of-Stars (SOS)-CAIPIRINHA for Improved Parallel Imaging

Felix A. Breuer1, Simon Bauer2, Martin Blaimer1

1Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany; 2Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany

In this work, the concept of CAIPIRINHA is applied to 3D stack-of-stars (SOS) VIBE liver imaging. It is demonstrated that by rotating the stars by Δφ with respect to each other significantly improved parallel imaging performance is achieved compared to standard acceleration in only the radial direction. pMRI reconstruction was performed using a novel self-calibrating segmented radial GRAPPA algorithm tailored to the individual CAIPIRINHA undersampling schemes eliminating the need of an extra calibration scan. This allows for robust high resolution 3D liver imaging within a 12s breath-hold.
