Angle Lecocq1,
Yann Le Fur2, Alexis Amadon3, Alexandre Vignaud3,
Monique Bernard4, Maxime Guye1, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva1
CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ, MARSEILLE, France; 2CRMBM, CNRS,
Aix-Marseille Univ,, MARSEILLE, France; 3LRMN/NeuroSpin/I2BM/CEA,
GIF SUR YVETTE, France; 4Aix-Marseille Universit, MARSEILLE,
In order to normalize CSI water spectrum to obtain signal normalized MR spectroscopic imaging, absolute ρ-maps have to be computed from T1 and T2* maps accounting for B0 and B1 corrections. In this work, we present a very fast method to generate these ρ-maps. A method called XEP recently proposed to obtain fast B1-maps, was combined with a DESPOT1 sequence, an optimized variable flip angle T1 mapping sequence and a conventional T2* mapping sequence. We first validated this method on phantom, and determined proton density maps in three healthy volunteers also explored by CSI technique.