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Abstract #4172

Experimental Evaluation of Frequency-Dependent Conductivity Using a Simultaneous Imaging of MREIT and MREPT

Munish Chauhan1, Min Oh Kim2, Woo Chul Jeong1, Hyung Joong Kim1, Oh In Kwon3, Eung Je Woo1, Dong Hyun Kim2

1Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi, Korea; 2Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea; 3Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea

Biological tissues show frequency-dependent conductivity spectra and its values at different frequencies may provide valuable diagnostic information. MREIT provides conductivity images at frequencies below a few kHz, while MREPT produces conductivity images at 128 MHz at 3T. Those two techniques are supplementary to each other and can provide new information when combined together. In this study, we perform two different phantom imaging experiments for the understanding of frequency-dependency using simultaneous dual-frequency conductivity imaging from the one MR scan. We present experimental results of both MREIT and MREPT and highlighted their distinct features in probing and visualizing an object.
