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Abstract #4350

Comparison of Arrays with Various Mutual Impedances: Noise Correlation, SNR and Parallel Imaging Performance

Adam Maunder1, Mojgan Daneshmand1, Pedram Mousavi1, B. Gino Fallone2, Nicola De Zanche2

1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 2Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

In arrays, mutual resistance is the source of intrinsic noise correlation, which has been assumed to be unalterable using preamplifier decoupling and lossless decoupling networks. By using inter-element capacitors cancellation of both mutual resistance and reactance is achieved between adjacent coils. Array performance comparisons are made using two-and four-coil arrays in the presence of preamplifier decoupled a) with the mutual impedance removed, b) only the mutual reactance removed and c) with no additional decoupling. On average, the differences in SNR and parallel imaging g-factor are minimal.
