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Abstract #4387

The Dual Purpose CAPTAIN (Cardiac Adult / Pediatric Torso Assembly for in-vivo Imaging)

Modhurin Banerjee1, Clyve Konrad Follante1, Aleksey Zemskov1, Rodney Bills1, Kolman Juhasz1, Steven G. Lee1, Victor Taracila1, Fraser Robb1

1MRI, GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States

It is current practice to use adult coil systems for pediatric imaging, which is problematic due to a variety of difficulties encountered in workflow/preparation, emergency egress, coil sensitivity-anatomy mismatch, and the necessity to anesthetize the patient. A 32 channel thoracic coil system with application to the 0-7 year old patient population was developed from a prototype originally created by Shreyas Vasanwalla at Stanford/Lucinda Bell Childrens Hospital. A uniform array was found (both through simulation and experiment) to give the best SNR and g factor performance, offering a significantly improved scan time and patient experience relative to existing coil systems.
