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Abstract #4397

7-Channel Half-Cylinder Shaped Transmit Coil with 32-Channel Receiver Array for Multipurpose Head Imaging at 7T

Johanna J. Bluemink1, Martijn Lunenburg2, Wouter Koning2, Ingmar J. Voogt2, Michel Italiaander2, Peter R. Luijten2, Natalia Petridou2, Dennis W.J. Klomp2

1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

A half-cylinder coil array is presented that combines 7 detunable transmit coil elements with a high density receiver array of 32 detunable elements. The setup allows optimized focused B1+ and B1- in for instance cerebellum or visual cortex, while providing maximized space for visual stimulation. Being independently flexible with B1 steering, the setup also allows scanning with standard immobilization devices as used in radiotherapy.
