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Abstract #3261

Model-free phase processing of multi-gradient-echo images at 9.4T

Gisela E Hagberg 1,2 and Klaus Scheffler 1,2

1 Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, Germany, 2 High Field Magnetic Resonance, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, BW, Germany

The performance of two model-free, high-pass filtering methods for data cleaning of multi-echo GRE data at 9.4T was assessed. Along with the widely used Gaussian kernel, we explored the use of a smoothing spline function that adapts its shape to the actual k-space appearance of the MR signal. The spline-based, but not the Gaussian kernel, mirrored the temporal evolution of the MR signal with echo time and hereby mitigates strong Bo inhomogeneities, while desired phase features were maintained.

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