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Abstract #2899

Quantitative Evaluation of Rotating Short-Axis (RSA) EPI for High Spatial Resolution Diffusion MRI

Yu-Chien Wu 1

1 Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States

A new sequence, Rotating Short-Axis (RSA) echo-planar imaging (EPI), may address some issues associated with single-shot spin-echo EPI sequences for diffusion MRI. RSA has a higher signal-to-noise ratio due to the shorter echo time, minimal geometric distortion from shorter echo spacing, and a faster imaging speed due to partial k-space sampling. RSA works better in high spatial resolution diffusion MRI. Here we performed computer simulations to quantitatively evaluate blade sampling and composite reconstruction in RSA methods with respect to effective image resolution, artifacts, and directional estimates of fiber orientations. The results were compared with pseudo gold standard, single-shot spin-echo EPI.

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