Abstract #3142
Measuring the Rate of Phosphocreatine Recovery in Human Skeletal Muscle after Exercise by Localized 1H MRS without Water Suppression at 7T
Jimin Ren 1,2 , Baolian Yang 3 , A. Dean Sherry 1,4 , and Craig R. Malloy 1,5
Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States,
of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
Center, Dallas, Texas, United States,
Healthcare, Cleveland, Ohio, United States,
of Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,
Texas, United States,
North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, Texas, United
There has been great interest in measuring ATP synthesis
in skeletal muscle in vivo. Conventional methods are 31P
NMR-based, either by measuring Pi

exchange rate using magnetization transfer, or by
measuring the rate of phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery
after exercise. This work, based on an early assignment
of 1H signal at 3.9 ppm to the methylene of PCr,
explores the feasibility of measuring the rate of PCr
recovery in exercised muscle using localized 1H MRS
without water suppression at 7T. Consistent rate
constants were obtained between 1H and 31P MRS by
interleaved scans conducted during the same exercise
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