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Abstract #1304

Investigating Cerebrovascular Reactivity in MS with BOLD, ASL and EEG

Mark J Lowe1, Wanyong Shin1, Balu Krishnan2, Lael Stone2, and Andreas Alexopoulos2

1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neurlogic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States

Recent reports indicate that cerebrovascular reactivity (CR) may be impaired in multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we report initial studies to use simultaneous measurements of electroencephalography (EEG), regional cerebral blood flow, and BOLD during performance of a motor task. We show that it is possible to produce EEG estimators of a healthy control subject that correlate very highly with BOLD measurements, while the same measurements in an age and gender matched MS patient have a much lower correspondence. Although inconclusive due to the small sample, the methodology shows promise for helping to understand possible CR issues in MS.

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