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Abstract #1799

3D Water-Fat Turbo Spin Echo Imaging in the Knee using CS-SENSE

Holger Eggers1, Christian Stehning1, Mariya Doneva1, Elwin de Weerdt2, and Peter Börnert1,3

1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 3Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands

3D Dixon TSE scans essentially provide the same information as several conventional 2D TSE scans in different orientation, without and with fat suppression. However, their scan time is usually still too long for clinical practice. In this work, the basic feasibility of accelerating a 3D Dixon TSE scan with PD weighting by a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging was investigated in knee imaging. Results obtained in half the scan time compared to the use of parallel imaging alone are presented, which indicate that 3D Dixon TSE scans may become as fast as current, conventional 3D TSE scans with fat suppression.

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