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Abstract #1924

Power spectrum detects corpus callosum directionality using T2-weighted MRI in secondary progressive MS patients and controls

Shrushrita Sharma1 and Yunyan Zhang2

1Biomedical Engineering Program, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

Standard MRI is routinely collected in patient care but is limited in assessing changes in tissue microstructure. We developed a new method to assess tissue directionality using the power spectrum of T2-weighted MRI and validated it using the highly coherent structure, corpus callosum. In controls, power spectrum-derived angles corresponded exactly with the predicted aligning directions of the corpus callosum, and such aligning patterns were interrupted in advanced MS patients with increased variability and angular entropy. Fourier-based power spectrum may provide advanced measures of tissue directionality following myelin and axonal pathology using clinical scans.

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