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Abstract #2610

Semi-quantitative stress perfusion CMR for assessing complications in the transplant heart

Madeline Schwid1, Hannah Recht1, Kai Lin1, Jeremy Collins1, Michael Markl1, Dan Lee1, and James Carr1

1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States

This study evaluated semiquantitative measures of ischemia using noninvasive stress perfusion CMR for the detection and quantification of CAV using invasive coronary angiography as the standard reference on a cohort of chronic heart transplant patients. Based on angiogram results, patients were divided into groups by disease severity. The upslope and myocardial perfusion reserve was measured per segment for each patient based on the AHA 16 segment model. These values were then correlated to the angiogram results and averaged by segment to create bullseye plots for each group. As disease severity increases, both myocardial perfusion reserve and stress upslope decrease.

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