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Abstract #3601

MR-guided focal laser ablation as primary treatment for prostate cancer: Preliminary results

Joyce GR Bomers1, Christiaan G Overduin1, Sjoerd FM Jenniskens1, Michiel Sedelaar2, and Jurgen J Futterer1

1Radiology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Urology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Focal therapy offers great hopes in terms of cancer control and decreased morbidity (i.e. impotence and incontinence) for patients with localized for low- and intermediate grade prostate cancer (PCa). Transrectal MR-guided focal laser ablation of newly diagnosed PCa was successfully performed in 5 patients. It was technically feasible and safe. PSA level decreased in all patients and follow-up MRI showed no residual or recurrent cancer; indicating local cancer control, without compromising with increased morbidity or a decrease in quality of life. Initial results are promising and more patients have to be included with longer follow-up.

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