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Abstract #3614

Using simultaneous multi-slice imaging for PRFS thermometry

Pim Borman1, Clemens Bos2, Sjoerd Crijns1, Bas Raaymakers1, and Chrit Moonen2

1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

PRFS thermometry is important for guidance of thermal therapies. Here we show that the thermometry sequence can be accelerated by the novel parallel imaging technique SMS-CAIPIRINHA and we compare it to an unaccelerated sequence and a SENSE accelerated sequence. Heating was applied by means of HIFU and LITT. A good agreement was seen between temperature curves from SMS-CAIPIRINHA and those from the unaccelerated sequence. Furthermore, the noise level was significantly lower compared to temperature curves from the SENSE accelerated sequence.

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