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Abstract #4301

Gradient Nonlinearity and B0-induced Distortion Corrections of Prospective Motion Correction Data at 7T MRI

Uten Yarach1, Daniel Stucht1, Hendrik Mattern1, Frank Godenschweger1, and Oliver Speck1

1Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magderburg, Germany

Patient motion during an MRI of the brain can result in non-diagnostic image quality. Even with perfect prospective motion (PMC) tracking and correction, the varying coil sensitivity, gradient non-linearity, and B0 field shift can cause significant artifacts that cannot be corrected prospectively. Recently, a model-based MR image reconstruction via iterative solver was employed to minimize the sensitivity misalignment due to physiological movement. In this study, we extended the mentioned model by gradient-warped and B0-induced distortion corrections to reconstruct the PMC MR data. The result shows the improvement that is remarkably reduced artifacts after a few iterations of the proposed technique.

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