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Abstract #0944

Correlation between Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes and Parameters of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI and Intravoxal Incoherent Motion (IVIM): Implication for Breast Cancer Anti-angiogenesis Treatment Guidance

WanChen Tsai1, KaiMing Chang2, and KuoJang Kao2

1Radiology, Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Research, Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan

This prospective study correlates DCE MRI and IVIM with breast cancer molecular subtypes by examine the differences in vascular normalization signature genes. We found molecular subtype III and VI with higher pericyte gene scores to have significantly lower perfusion related parameters, higher extracellular extra-vascular space on DCE MRI and IVIM. These associations may be used to guide anti-angiogenesis treatment for breast cancer.

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